A View from the Other Side

Observations from the winged dude next door.

Archive for the tag “the future isn’t carved in stone”

Capturing Probability

“…[I]f our electron has some probability of being in position (x1,y1,z1) and another probability of being in position (x2,y2,z2), those two probabilities can be isolated from each other, cordoned off like quantum crime scenes. According to Maris and his team, this can be achieved (and has been achieved) using tiny bubbles of helium as physical “traps.”

“We are trapping the chance of finding the electron, not pieces of the electron,” Maris said in a statement provided by Brown University.

“When an electron enters the bath, it acts to repel the surrounding helium atoms, forming its own little bubble or cavity in the process. These bubbles then drift slowly downwards toward the bottom of the bath and a waiting detector… it’s not new and different objects hitting the detector first, it’s just different aspects or relics of the same electron, slivers of that cloud of possibilities

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