A View from the Other Side

Observations from the winged dude next door.

Archive for the tag “newage”

Good Vibrations

Here’s something that’s been bothering me for a while. I didn’t put my finger on it exactly until today, however.

The whole “vibrations” thing. Not just how over-used the whole thing is with the newagey people, but what’s considered “good” versus “bad.” I’m about to call bullshit on one of the biggest aspects of it. Buckle up.

The usual idea is this: The chakras and tree of life and all that starts off at the bottom, with “low” vibrations around earthly stuff like rocks and sex and raw emotions. It ends at the “high” vibrations where God’s supposed to be up in the sky, or at least above a person’s physical meat suit.

Here’s the fundamental problem with all that: It assumes that “low” vibrations are bad, and that everybody should get up to the good and perfect “high” vibrations if they want to be… I don’t even know what they’re after, actually. It seems to be different things, depending on who you talk to. Enlightenment, mostly? Closer to God?

Well hey, guess what, but there’s probably a couple of million years of human history on planet Earth that did pretty well before organized religion came along to fuck it up by starting wars. Way back in the day, the Earth was the teacher. The Earth was the most wise and sacred thing in existence. Somehow, the earth became “bad,” just like how dirt and sex and expressing your emotions became “bad” in favor of this supposedly perfect emotionless state of being where your feet barely touch the ground and you’re only half present, because you’re so busy being “ascended” that you forget to help the world around you.

The biggest assholes I’ve ever known were these “high vibration” newagers who felt they were better than everybody else and they were just too fucking good for this planet, so they were going to turn into a ball of light or somesuch bullshit and ascend to the Pleiades.

Well, good riddance, and get out of my way so I can be over here picking people up off the ground when they’re too sick to stand. Because, reminder, that’s what we’re here for.

For some, it’s about “power.” They somehow think that climbing the tree to get to the shiny ball at the top that’s supposedly “closer to God” (as if God actually lives in the physical sky, or in any linear direction from them at all) will enable them to flip a switch and suddenly win friends and influence enemies in some magical way.

Now… it’s true that tapping into that God energy does enable you to do some miraculous things, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all thing.

I can’t imagine that there’s anyone alive who doesn’t feel the power of a thunderstorm. The sheer amount of raw power and energy in the lightning itself, and the thunder created by that power ripping through the atmosphere, is almost beyond human comprehension. However, if we follow the logic of the “vibration” thing, thunder is “low” and thus “bad.” Same thing with earthquakes–you’ve got massive pieces of the earth itself moving around, with most of the sound waves so low that they’re far below human hearing. What about a waterfall, like Niagara? Who could stand near that pounding torrent and not feel the power there? Or of the ocean’s waves or a raging river? Or the power of a wildfire or a volcano or a hurricane?

If it’s power you want, why would you ignore any of that when it’s so easy to tap into and use?

Dirt is where your food comes from. Sex is where YOU come from.

There is no such thing as “bad” or “good” vibrations, just like there’s no good or bad in the sun or the ocean or gravity or any other powerful force of the universe. It would benefit a lot of people if they stopped turning their backs on these things, if they stopped looking down their noses at anyone who isn’t at some supposed “high vibrational level” based on… what exactly? A book? One particular philosophy?

Do you know how many “vibrations” the human body can’t even perceive? It’s like going to the symphony and deciding that anybody but the piccolos are unworthy of your attention, or painting only in yellow because all the other colors are just beneath you. It’s arrogant and foolish.

Embrace all of it if you want to be whole and balanced and powerful. Why do anything else?

Help Me Understand Something

male angel with ravenHelp me understand something, because I really don’t get how this works:

People will get upset over the results of a quiz on some website about the state of their chakras, even though they’ve never consulted with someone reputable face to face about it.

People will flock in droves to “channelers” and “psychics” they’ve never met, and hang on every word about unicorns from the Pleiades and vibrations from the 36th dimension, but I’m largely ignored or, worse, insulted.

What is the allure of these kinds of blogs and websites? Why do people throw money at them and eat up everything they say with a spoon as God’s Truth?

The other thing I don’t understand, and it is related, is how people keep completely missing the fact that I AM A GUIDE. I am not “working with guides,” I AM ONE. Yes, I’m plainspoken and enjoy earthly things like taking walks and a good pair of boots and going to Disneyland, but I don’t know how much more clear I can be about this.

There is a black feather at the top of this page that represents my own. The subheading of the blog is “Observations from the winged dude next door.” On my About page I clearly state that I am a guide/angel/lwa/spirit/guardian. I am not physical. I talk about this often. How is this continually missed? Do I need to have it in red flashing letters?

No, I don’t pepper my speech with “Dear Ones” or talk about “raising your vibrational level for the upcoming ascension out of the material plane” or any of that newage stuff. It’s not why I’m here.

I AM HERE TO HELP PEOPLE in their daily lives on planet Earth. I am not here to blow glittery imaginary smoke up your ass or to scare you into buying something. I’m here to tell you the truth and help you become a better person HERE AND NOW.

So why do people take a quiz on a website more seriously than talking to me? Why does it take someone five years to finally realize that I do more to keep storms away than Thor, and that maybe I’d appreciate a little offering too? Why do I get insulted and talked down to and ignored? Because I speak like a human being so that human beings can understand me? Because I don’t just tell you what you want to hear? Because I’m not perfect?

What am I missing here?

When the Darkness Comes Disguised as the Light

evil behind a maskOne thing that’s always true about the darkness: It deceives.

I have seen it wear my brother’s face to try and trick me. I’ve seen it twist beauty into horror. I’ve seen it lie and beg and pretend to love in order to stay inside someone’s heart.

I’ve even seen the darkness use good intentions to smother someone in a quicksand of their own choosing. Of course, they thought they were navigating a path, but they were actually inside a maze that they were eventually mired in and could no longer see a way out of. Not that they wanted a way out. This trap was so clever that the person in the middle was utterly convinced they were on the path of Light, and around each corner was another tidbit of knowledge, and another, and another, so that the maze became the path itself. The more they walked, the more knowledgeable they felt they were, and the more they rejected those on the outside trying to help.

And the knowledge they found there? Some of it was valid, but some of it was worthless, and by the time they’d been around the maze a few times, it all blended together into newage quicksand. The original goal of fixing issues became a never-ending quest for ideas on how to fix them, until the quest was all that remained.

The things that are out there are very tempting, especially if there is no one to help guide you and give you reality checks. Especially if you flat out reject help or even any discussion. There is a universe of information out there about colors and crystals and spirits and hypnosis and chakras and thousands more techniques for self-improvement. However, some of this information is horseshit.

A very long time ago, people figured out that they could invent something amazing-sounding and charge money for it, as if it had value. This is called perceived value. If someone charges $1000 for a two-hour class on how eating dryer lint can give you telepathy, that makes it sound valuable no matter how ridiculous the class is. This is not to say that anybody charging for their time and effort is a scam artist, or that free classes are worthless. I’m just saying to think about what you’re buying. Just because someone is charging you for knowledge, that doesn’t automatically make it worthwhile knowledge.

In hard times, there are always people who profit from the pain of others. There are people who will lie to you about their amazing new “discovery” that will supposedly heal your mind, body and soul. They used to call them snake oil salesmen. These days, especially with the internet, there are more than ever. And the darkness knows this. It’s very clever, and finds sneaky ways to ensnare unsuspecting people.

The darkness deceives. Never forget this.

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