A View from the Other Side

Observations from the winged dude next door.

Archive for the tag “changing fate”

By Any Means Necessary

priest with incenseI’ve been resisting the newagey stuff she does because it just feels wrong for me. Very… “not me.” I’m no witch or something like that, and as soon as things start going over into burning bits of plants and waving things around, I feel silly and I’m out.

Until today, that is. I had a long talk with her, and she and my brother’s girl talked about it, and I realized a few things.

One, what she does isn’t that different from what you’d see in a Catholic church or any other faith. The church uses incense and holy relics, like maybe a snip of hair or piece of bone from a saint. The church uses candles and sacred wine and wafers. The church uses chants and music and special oils. The only difference between what she does, as a witch and a priestess, and what a Catholic priest does, is that she uses those things in her home, and uses a wider variety of them, and doesn’t dedicate everything to Jesus or a saint.

Two, I’ve had such bad experiences with the crystals and rainbows newagey woo woo types that I started rejecting anything that seemed to fall into that category without realizing it. Stuff that I’ve used to great effect, such as certain oils, stones and metals, seem to be on the tools list. Things I don’t normally use that seem especially “witchy” to me, like putting quartz crystals in a certain pattern or burning certain herbs, or tying feathers into bunches, are on the “reject as too newagey and very much not me” list.

Three, and this is a personal issue, I was questioned a long time ago by someone whose thoughts matter to me very deeply as to whether I was really me or not, and that little piece of sand has been inside my shell for years. I didn’t even really realize it until today, but that’s part of why I reject things that she does that aren’t things I’ve discovered on my own. I figured out that those particular oils, stones, and metals are really damn effective for me personally, so those are safely a part of my tool kit. Stuff that’s hers… I didn’t want it to appear that she and I were merging too much, or that there could be any excuse for someone to say that I was just her “higher self” or she was making shit up. In short, I’d created a wall there. My stuff, her stuff, and blending was not an option. And, because of that, I rejected her stuff. Yes,  it’s stupid, but I only just today realized that’s part of why I’d felt so uncomfortable with that “witchy” stuff all this time.

So, after an important phone call earlier today, and another conversation with my brother that told me yes, I am trusted, I’ve decided to let that piece of sand go now that I know where part of this problem has been coming from. Because I need to do my work with any tools necessary and change this stuff by any means necessary.

boy with prayer candlesSome may say that altering things and changing “fate” for someone is immoral and that I have no right to do what I do. That it violates free will by tying people together or separating them or pushing them to do things like respond to an email or view someone more positively or offer them a job. As an instrument of God, my job is to ensure the best outcome for the people I guide and protect. And think about it a minute: Everyone has advantages. Some people are more attractive, some have more money, some are smarter, some are stronger, some have connections. If you think for one second that other people aren’t using these things to their advantage to move ahead over someone who isn’t attractive, or rich, or smart, or strong, or well-connected, you really don’t understand how the world works.

My job is to find every possible advantage and use it, even if that means employing the physical tools at my disposal, such as particular oils or incense or colors or stones or metals or plants or music to achieve my objectives. My job is to help her succeed and have a better life… by any means necessary.

A Quiet Time

Sometimes I have so much to say, it feels like I can’t possibly get it all written down and out there, or in ways that make sense to most people. But sometimes, like now, the time for talking is done and it’s time for working. There are major changes going on and those have to be nudged and pushed and ridden and survived and recognized. This is on the macro and the micro scale. World society, your country’s society, your neighbors, yourself, inside yourself, and in the hidden places just outside what your eyes can see.

I’ve been backsliding a little lately with some existential stuff. But nothing new there. But the half steps back are almost gone these days, and there’s a lot of steps forward. Nothing like being thrown into all this without any instructions, or help, and left to find my own way, to figure out the best ways to help people and help them understand their potential, to discover my catalyst nature through a lot of painful situations, and then master it… and then use it to change the world.

We Are Everywhere

Secret identity

Where are the heroes? Song lyrics and comic books and TV shows and movies ask this question all the time.

Oh, we’re here. We just know better than to announce it to the universe. That never ends well.

We walk among you. That guy at the bus stop. That woman walking her dog in the park. Those people having coffee off to one side. Watching. Waiting. There when we’re needed most. You hear about us in the news sometimes. “Miracles” at the scene of a disaster.

Some of us do a lot of work outside the physical that doesn’t make it into the news, because nobody sees it. Nudging fate, waking people up, flipping the switch to the on position behind the scenes. You see the results, but rarely the actions that got things there. But those actions are happening all day, every day, and more and more people are waking up to the fact that they can do this too. They can be heroes. They can change the future through their actions. They can run energy from the Source in ways they never knew about, ways they never could before. Things are changing fast.

Maybe you’re one of them. One of us. Working behind the scenes. Waiting for the next opportunity to be a hero. Maybe that’s where you’re headed next. Are you ready?

The Threads, Part 2

red threads of fateAs mentioned in a previous post, the threads of lives are part of a huge loom or network, the lives of every other person on the planet. Even if yours isn’t directly touching the thread of someone a thousand miles away at this moment, through degrees of separation and through time, everyone is linked, even if the connecting thread is thinner than a spider’s strand.

Then there are the times when someone entangles with you on purpose, and you can’t shake them off. They’re latched on and dug in like a tick. Nothing you do gets rid of them. This is where the threads can come in very handy.

I have taken someone’s thread and pinned it down at a 90-degree angle away from another, to force a separation. I’ve also, in more severe cases, burned away all connections. These things usually need to be done more than once and watched over until they stick. If you do it once then walk away, the tick is going to keep working to reattach him- or herself to the person in question. I’ve found that it can take months for the separation to finally be complete, and it’s a lot of work and energy to keep on it until it’s permanent and doesn’t try to grow back, either through effort or energy memory.

Of course, they can be used to bring people together as well. If you’re able to identify the threads of two people who need to meet, such as you and a prospective employer, or your friend in Maine and George Clooney, you can bring them together and link them. Don’t force a connection like this, and if they go their separate ways afterward, then leave it alone. I only use these methods when really necessary.

Since the threads are, essentially, direct lines into the future, they can also be used to predict it. At first glance, you can look forward a little ways to see general trends, if there are connections or separations that will happen or that need to happen, chaos ahead for those around you, and so on. If you look deeper, however, you should be able to see a half dozen or more possibilities.

It’s hard to describe, but when I look into possible futures, each one is like looking down a long tunnel or fiber optic strand, with an image playing at the end. I look at each one until I find the best outcome, then line that strand up with the person and link it in. If you look at it up top, it looks one strand, but if you look inside it or from another angle, you see these multiple futures that you can pick from. It doesn’t always work, but it’s another technique to try out if you’re able to work with the threads.

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